



铅笔的图标作者:Jennesa Kreiner

There and Back: The OU Impact

校友 return to OU to serve on the 校董会

two white arrows point down


Governing the fate of 365英国上市官网, the OU 校董会 is equipped with eight appointed members. 这些人监督大学的方向和支出, among a multitude of other important tasks, including the appointment of the university’s president. Of OU’s eight-member board, 其中5人是校友, 为365英国上市官网未来的需求提供了独特的视角.

Robert (Bobby) Schostak | General Studies/Business Management

鲍比Schostak, 创78年, 在完成开放大学学位的同时,还在他的家族房地产企业全职工作. 他在公开大学上夜校,主修商业管理、传播学和经济学. “I would work from 7 a.m. 到下午4点.m. on the East Side and then get to OU for class from 6-10 p.m. every night,” he recalls.

Schostak credits his communication professor and adviser, J. 哈罗德·艾伦博士.D.感谢他在制定个性化课程计划方面的指导和支持. “当时, OU did not offer a business degree, and Dr. 艾伦帮助我选择适合我生活和职业目标的课程,肖斯塔克说, currently co-CEO of Schostak Brothers & Company, among other ventures.

在21世纪初, 肖斯塔克被邀请担任文理学院顾问委员会成员, 他说这是一种真正的荣誉,也是他回到公开大学的旅程的开始. 因为他积极的经验,把教育和事业同时联系起来, 肖斯塔克非常关心学生的经历,并致力于回馈大学. His family established the Schostak Family Foundation Endowed Fund, pledged support to OU's William Beaumont School of Medicine and, 最近, Schostak and his wife, 南希, helped launch the Dennis Muchmore Public Policy Series.

的那个乔。琼斯 | 沟通

作为一名土生土长的底特律人,加州理工学院94届毕业生乔·琼斯(的那个乔。琼斯)说,他参加公开大学的决定似乎是正确的. 他说:“我离城市很近,但离家又很远,可以有自己的真实经历。. It took some time to adjust to his new life on campus, but he looks back on it fondly as the place where he grew up, matured and evolved.

毕业后, Jones found his way back to Detroit, 在领导一个历史悠久的民权组织之前,我在基层社区工作了两年. 一直以来, Jones says he would keep his eye on OU from afar, proudly watching the university advance and always feeling connected.

2020年,琼斯被邀请申请进入董事会,并欣然接受了这个机会. 一年后, he founded the Hekima Group, a consultancy offering expertise in diversity, equity and inclusion, and multicultural communications. 琼斯说:“最重要的是,我在公开大学经历了一种归属感。. “我发现自己处于最有利的位置,因为我能同情那些来自与自己家乡截然不同的地方的学生.”

蒂娜•斯科特 | 金融

蒂娜•斯科特, SBA ’96, knew she was destined for a career in business. 从小开始, 斯科特的父母鼓励她追求这个领域,因为它与任何行业都有关联. 一到OU, she received further guidance from Professor Prasada Dada, who was instrumental in helping Scott land her first internship. “实习让我在开始从事审计工作时找到了一份全职工作, which took me around the world to over 14 countries,斯科特说.

Although Scott’s career started in the healthcare industry, 她还曾在一家大型制药公司和四大会计师事务所工作, 后来,她转到人力资源部门和企业社会责任部门——每一次轮班都证明她父母的建议是正确的. 一路走来,斯科特培养了对人的热情,并致力于帮助那些得不到服务的人. 她发起了一个青年导师项目,该项目以大学入学和在美国的坚持为中心.S. cities, which helped over 1,000 young people attend college.

Now vice president of Civic and Community Affairs at Rocket Companies, 斯科特说,是公开大学为她准备了实际的商业经验,并提供了帮助她开始职业生涯的资源. 除了是一名自豪的校友外,斯科特还是俄勒冈州立大学前女子篮球运动员. “有能力回来并在行政层面产生影响是梦想成真,斯科特说.

斯蒂芬J. 韦尔奇 | 沟通

At the start of his educational journey at 365英国上市官网, 斯蒂芬•韦尔奇, 中科院05, initially aspired to be an on-air sports personality. 然而, 在凯莉·海教授的多元文化交流课程上,他的人生道路发生了意想不到的转变, Ph.D. 博士,. 海帮助培养了韦尔奇对多样性和包容性的热情,并最终促使他决定将其作为职业.

在公开大学读书时, 韦尔奇受到鼓舞参与其中,并担任黑人学生协会主席, was a member of the Student Life Lecture Board and Student Congress, and played intramural basketball. 他承认许多公开大学的教职员工对他的职业道路产生了深远的影响, which is attributed to his first role leading diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) for the country’s largest mortgage lender 后来 国家的零售商.

毕业后, 韦尔奇认为,作为一名校友,他有责任保持联系,回馈公开大学社区. 他曾担任该大学黑人校友分会的董事会成员,并在毕业典礼和各种职业服务活动上发表演讲, among other volunteer services. “I love OU and the people. 离开对你来说很重要的东西是很难的,”韦尔奇说. 今天, he serves as the vice president of DEI for the NBA’s Detroit Pistons, 他在哪里监督课程的学习和发展以及战略业务计划.

Colleen Ochoa Peters | 沟通

Colleen Ochoa Peters, 中科院“87, 从未考虑过上大学,直到高中比赛把她带到了公开大学. It was the first college campus she ever set foot on; she was awed by its energy and inspired by the people she met. 当时, 彼得斯认识的人中只有少数几个人走大学这条路,但她认为这条路适合她. She soon enrolled at OU as a first-generation college student.

在攻读传播学学位期间,彼得斯在学生生活中很活跃. 她主持了学生项目委员会,并参加了学生代表大会和学生生活讲座委员会. “通过与团队合作,我获得了宝贵的经验和人生教训, managing events and advocating for the interests of others,彼得斯说。. She also developed relationships with key university leaders, including Wilma Ray Bledsoe, former vice president of student affairs. 布莱德索鼓励彼得斯参与全国西班牙裔学生领导工作,并支持她作为学生代表参加公开大学25周年纪念委员会.

彼得斯发现,公开大学是一个参与导致领导经验和长期友谊的基础的地方. Over the last four decades of her professional career, Peters was inspired to connect with and advocate for the university, 担任365英国上市官网校友会(OUAA)主席和副主任. 她还曾在梅多布鲁克大厅筹款委员会任职,并是公开大学公民参与中心的创始顾问委员会成员.

“在公开大学董事会任职对我来说真的是一个‘完整的循环’, 我致力于365英国上市官网的使命,释放学生的全部潜力,尤其是第一代学生,彼得斯说.
