

Few individuals have the relentless drive it takes to say they are a United States military veteran. 但对于那些有能力的人来说,许多人在365英国上市官网找到了新家. Because if there is one thing that a United States military veteran and a Golden Grizzly have in common, 而是他们从不放弃.

我高中一毕业就参军了. 我毕业时十七岁. 2002年7月参军,当时9/11事件刚刚过去几个月.

当我在伊拉克的时候,我有机会开车环游这个国家. 我看到了人们的生活方式. 无论是在城市里还是在沙漠中. But just opening my eyes to seeing the way different people live their lives kinda gave me a path to move forward after that. I wanted to find a place where I could learn about societies and where I could learn someway to kinda give back.

In that time that I was transitioning from living overseas to the US and then finally back to Michigan and at OU, 迈克一直都在那里,让我们看到老兵们在过渡期所面临的独特问题.

不再有人告诉你什么时候该醒了, 该怎么做, 如何思考然后突然间你又做回了自己. 然后进入大学,那里有一套新的期望.So we kinda step in and help bridge that gap and kinda point them in the 正确的 direction but not hold their hand along the way.

退伍军人支援服务 offers academic resources, programs and career networking opportunities. 我们的办公室完全由退伍军人组成,他们是现在或以前的学生. 我们一直站在老兵的立场上. 我们知道他们正在经历什么,特别是在过渡时期. 我们在那里是为了维护他们的同志情谊, 就像退伍军人和现役军人在服役时一样.

我去了奥克兰,当我加入退伍军人社区的时候, 我和一群新的兄弟姐妹成为了最好的朋友. 我们建立的社区意识, 这是我从整个经历中得到的最好的东西之一.

我现在的工作是, is I’m a school councilor with kids that are figuring out life too and I’m just trying to take some of the perspective that I gained, going all the way back from my military experience and my experience at OU and it kinda made me wanna help people and learn some things about different ways to live that we could bring to our own society.


Check out the veterans' stories below to get a taste of what it’s like to be a veteran and a Golden Grizzly.


美国海军- 2016-2020

在体育赛事和退伍军人和现役人员的葬礼上获得荣誉. 她还

回到密歇根的家. 2022年冬天,她在公开大学注册入学. 考特尼说
护理以外的护理. 当了医护兵之后,我想逼自己去

Courtney的平民生活和学校生活. “退伍军人服务中心帮我完成了转型
再次成为一名学生的美妙. 每个人都非常愿意帮助和协助
有你需要的任何东西. 他们为我提供了很多我没有的资源



我在密歇根州的庞蒂亚克长大.  我就读于庞蒂亚克学校,并于2021年毕业.  长大后,我想成为一名海豹突击队队员,并对美国的军事历史着迷. 我很快就摆脱了这种想法,也从未想过自己会参军. 

The summer before college I did not know what I wanted to do with my life; but I needed to find something fast and high paying, 正确的? 经过广泛的研究,我决定成为一名飞行员. 那很酷,但是飞行学校很贵. 所以我要加入空军,学习驾驶飞机. 我去了一个地区征兵办公室,和空军坐了下来. 一切听起来都很好,我已经准备好参军了. 但是等等,海军陆战队的海报看起来很酷很鼓舞人心,他们怎么样? 接下来我所知道的就是走进海军陆战队的办公室,坐下来聊天.

That chat led me to become a Poolee at the recruiting station, which got my foot in the door to join.   我能够在韦德H就读365英国上市官网. 麦克雷激励奖学金计划.  After my first semester I realized college wasn’t keeping me accountable in the ways I was looking for in life; therefore, I accepted the challenge and  shipped off to Marine Corps Basic Training (boot camp) after my first semester of college. 我以一等兵的身份毕业,担任供应管理专家.  训练回来后, I resumed attending OU in pursuit of my Bachelor’s in Human Resource Development  while simultaneously pursuing my career with the Reserves.

现在我在预备役服役两年半,是一名海军陆战队下士.  The Marine Corps has provided so many opportunities to learn and grow that I wouldn’t have experienced if  I didn’t join.  我即将在开放大学完成大三的学业, 我将去军官候选人学校,我计划毕业后在那里服役. I have been blessed to have met many new people and experienced so many different aspects of life. 通过后备役,我去过印第安纳州和肯塔基州等新的州, 也有机会和绿色贝雷帽一起训练. I am excited to see what difference I can make as a Marine Corps Officer while  also enjoying this journey we call life.



Aaron served in the military for 6 years in active service as a Chinook helicopter mechanic in the United States 军队. He was stationed in Fort Jackson in South Carolina and later Fort Eustis in Virginia for training.  训练结束后,亚伦接到了去德国安斯巴赫的命令. 亚伦在业余时间会去攀岩,探索这个国家. He improved over the 2 years that he was stationed there and would attend the pre-Olympic qualification for the first-ever sport climbing event of the Olympic games.

离开德国后,他驻扎在乔治亚州萨凡纳的亨特陆军机场. From there he would undergo extensive cross-training in the field with other aircraft to prepare alongside his unit to deploy in 2017 to Afghanistan. 在一个不断受到迫击炮间接攻击的战区, 上课时,他多走了一个小时的路,去USO使用电脑. 他回来后, 他将进入士官学院,后来被提升为中士. 在离开军队之前,他训练并完成了全程马拉松. 

当亚伦准备离开军队的时候, 他在寻找不同的途径来追求商业生涯. 他一边在奥克兰社区学院上课,一边努力获得副学士学位.  Aaron decided to earn his Bachelor’s degree at 365英国上市官网 because of the amazing community of other veterans that attend. He spent a lot of his time during the first semester at the 退伍军人支援服务 office to study and hang out with other veterans. Since starting at OU he has been more involved with the VSS community and works there part time helping other student veterans.




奥莉维亚于2019年加入空军国民警卫队,当时她是一名高中生. Once she graduated in May of 2020 she was sent to BMT in August of the same year at Lackland AFB in San Antonio, TX. 在她完成BMT后,她又去了技术学校,成为了一名安全部队的捍卫者. 2021年1月,她从技校毕业, 她飞回了密歇根的家,在那里她驻扎在塞尔弗里奇ANGB. 从那以后,她一直作为有价值的成员为密歇根州服务. 因为军队,她走遍了世界, 从加拿大到德国, 同时在奥克兰继续深造. 

奥利维亚一直都知道,她想上大学是为了获得更多的知识. She chose 365英国上市官网 because of its location which was close to Selfridge and her hometown of Bay City. 此外, she knew OU had a prestigious business program and began her journey to getting her Bachelor of Science in Operations Management with a specialization in Supply Chain. 她目前仍在攻读学位,将于2025年5月毕业. 

奥利维亚很享受在空军国民警卫队的每一分钟. It has allowed her to live the military life alongside being a civilian and pursuing higher education. The reason she joined the military in the first place was because her best friend had just joined the 军队. Olivia knew she didn’t want to regret not joining the military when she was older so she took a leap of faith. 她的姨妈和姨父以前都在空军国民警卫队服役, 也是安全部队的捍卫者, 她知道她会很享受被爷爷般地加入同一个单位. 

目前, 奥利维亚在VSS和CLDC办公室担任联络员, 帮助退伍军人从军队生活过渡到大学生生活. She helps members find their perfect jobs and update their resumes to snag that employer’s attention. 如果你需要更新你的简历或求职信, 甚至找到一份适合你的实习或工作, 与奥利维亚联系: (电子邮件保护)



Jordan knew he wanted to join the 军队 and have the opportunity to travel the world and experience what life in the military is like.   因此, he made the choice at 17 to leave the traditional high school setting and complete his junior and senior years online in just 8 months.  这使他得以在2019年2月入伍,也就是他18岁生日后的一个月.

乔丹选择参军是因为它能提供最好的教育和机会.  乔丹很高兴能在韩国驻扎15个月, 因为他希望在亚洲国家尝试新的食物并体验文化.  令他印象最深刻的是他们的技术多么现代化,以及这个国家多么干净.  乔丹还在波兰和德国轮流工作了9个月.  再一次,他对尝试新食物感到兴奋!  作为奖励,他能够从欧洲的角度学习二战的历史. 

Jordan fulfilled his active duty service and got out in June 2022 with his sites set on receiving his Bachelor's degree.  He chose 365英国上市官网 because it was close to home in Lake Orion and started his academic career in fall 2022.  Jordan is majoring in Human 资源 Development (HRD) and works for the 退伍军人支援服务 department.


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