Communications and Marketing

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482
(248) 370-3184

A team of four people shooting and reviewing video outdoors.


As a department of authentic storytellers, our mission in videography is to bring those stories to life. From commercials to documentary-style student features, we thrive in the creative process and offer a wide variety of video services to departments, 包括:

  • 概念的发展 
  • Script writing and storyboarding
  • 物流
  • 拍摄 
  • Editing and post production
  • Audio and music production
  • 配音
  • Transcription for ADA compliance

To view some of our creative portfolio, please visit the official 365英国上市官网 YouTube channel.

In addition to our in-house team, UCM collaborates regularly with OU’s Video 服务 Department and other external video production houses as needed. If your team would like to collaborate with UCM, please contact the multimedia producer.

If you are a staff member interested in creating with us, please contact your department’s account manager.

If you are a student interested in joining the OU’s voiceover talent, please contact the multimedia producer. 

Captions are necessary for deaf viewers to understand the audio content contained in videos. They not only include all dialog and narration, but also describe important non-speech information such as speaker identification, 背景噪音, musical cues and meaningful sound effects.

UCM uses YouTube to either publish to a Public OU channel, or to publish as either an unlisted or private level of visibility, then embeds the video on the desired wolaipei.com页面. Embedded YouTube videos provide accessible controls without the need for a separate media player.

UCM uses YouTube Studio to create subtitles and closed captions that can be enabled by viewers within the embedded players on our web pages. 通常, transcripts are provided to UCM and then used to create closed captions that are automatically synchronized with the video, then edited to adjust any resulting timing inaccuracies.

作为最后一步, the textual transcript is also provided beneath the embedded, closed-captioned video on the web page.

To request the video captioning service from UCM, you should provide both the video itself (or a link to where it is stored) and a text file containing the transcript.  If unable to type up the dialogue, UCM will attempt to use YouTube's automatic speech recognition technology to create captions. If you require assistance for video captioning, please contact your account manager.

If you require live captioning or your request involves a large number of videos or unusually long videos, you may want to consider related professional service information on the 视频字幕 Comparison Chart - UTS Knowledgebase Wiki.